Kolegové z Centra pro podporu studentů se zrakovým postižením Technologického institutu v Karlsruhe, pracující na projektu AccessibleMaps, shánějí respondenty do online průzkumu. Průzkum cílí na respondenty se zrakovým nebo tělesným postižením a je zaměřen na sběr zkušeností s orientací a navigací v budovách. Jeho cílem je zjistit, jak lidé z těchto cílových skupin plánují cesty, a zejména pak to, jak se orientují v interiérech budov v cíli cesty.
Dotazník je možné vyplnit v němčině nebo angličtině, kompletní průvodní dopis včetně odkazu na dotazník zájemci najdou níže.
Pokud byste se chtěli do průzkumu zapojit a podělit se o své zkušenosti, pokračujte prosím ve čtení 🙂 Děkuji za spolupráci i za váš čas.
Invitation to take part in a survey on orientation and navigation in buildings
Dear prospective participants to our survey, we would like to invite you to a survey that focuses on your experiences with orientation and navigation in buildings. The survey is aimed at people who have either visual or mobility impairments. The aim of the study is to find out how people with a visual or mobility impairment prepare for travel. We are particularly interested in how they orient themselves inside buildings at the destination.
We would appreciate if you could participate in this survey by the beginning of April. Participation beyond this date is nevertheless possible. The time needed to fill in the questionnaire may vary, but it should be on average 30 minutes. We would be very grateful if you could distribute the questionnaire to the appropriate target group within your circle of acquaintances.
You can access the survey by clicking on the link below:
This study is part of the research project „AccessibleMaps“, which is carried out in cooperation between the Chair for Human-Computer Interaction at the TU Dresden and the Study Center for the Visually Impaired at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The aim of the project is to improve the spatial mobility of people with disabilities within buildings. For this purpose, indoor maps containing information about the accessibility of the buildings will be created. With your participation you can contribute to the improvement of inclusion and equal rights of people with disabilities.
We would like to thank you in advance for your participation. Your answers will be stored anonymously, treated confidentially and not passed on to third parties. The results will be used exclusively for scientific purposes. At the end of the survey, you have the opportunity to take part in a prize draw in which Amazon vouchers are raffled among all participants.
If you have any questions regarding the survey or the research project, please feel free to contact Christin Engel at christin.engel@tu-dresden.de or Angela Constantinescu at angela.constantinescu@kit.edu.
If you are also interested in participating in further studies or in our research project, you may leave us your e-mail address at the end of the survey.
With kind regards
Angela Constantinescu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) | Studienzentrum für Sehgeschädigte (SZS)
Engesserstr. 4 | Geb. 20.51 | D | 761 31 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 (0) 721 / 608 46156
E-mail: angela.constantinescu@kit.edu
www.szs.kit.edu, www.kit.edu
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