Campus Visually Impaired – Studying in Europe without Borders

Pod záštitou DVBS, e. V., Federace nevidomých a slabozrakých studentů a profesionálů Německa, pořádá v druhé polovině srpna tým zrakově postižených studentů akci s názvem Campus Visually Impaired – Studying in Europe without Borders.

Jejím hlavním cílem je propojit přibližně 20 lidí se zrakovým postižením ve věku 18 až 30 let z různých zemí Evropy, nabídnout jim příležitost poznat jeden druhého a vyměnit si zkušenosti ze studia v rodné zemi i v zahraničí.

Kde: Frankfurt nad Mohanem, Německo
Kdy: 15. (středa) až 19. (neděle) srpna 2018
Pro koho: mladí lidé se zrakovým postižením ve věku 18 až 30 let
Za kolik: účastnický poplatek je 100 €; dále je třeba počítat s úhradou nákladů na cestu (zpáteční letenka stojí přibližně 5 000 Kč), které ale organizátoři akce přislíbili zpětně proplatit
Komunikačním jazykem na akci bude angličtina.

Zájemce o účast na akci prosíme, aby se co nejdříve (uzávěrka přihlášek je 30. 4. 2018) obrátili na Středisko Teiresiás Masarykovy univerzity, které účast na akci na české straně koordinuje a se skupinou zrakově postižených studentů je připraveno vyslat jednoho asistenta.

Kontaktní osobou je Radek Pavlíček (, 604 462 448).

Plánovaný program (v angličtině)

Day 1

  • Afternoon: Individual arrival (airport as a possible meeting point), transfer to the accommodation, followed by check-in and exploration of the locality
  • Evening: Welcome and introduction of participants, meet and greet and social gathering at the bar

Day 2

  • Morning: National help and European integration for blind and visually impaired people:
    • Session 1: Presentations by the participating countries with regard to respective national associations for the visually impaired
    • Session 2: The European integration from the perspective of visually impaired people: presentation of projects, institutions and associations from an external expert
  • Afternoon: Structured group discussions of study conditions in the participating countries:
    • Session 1: Structured group discussions about the following topics in small groups:
      • Topic 1: Availability of assistive technology and personal assistances
      • Topic 2: Digitized literature: sourcing and sharing of scanned or digitally available publications
      • Topic 3: Assessment modalities and exam accommodations
    • Session 2: Presentations of the conclusions of the 3 topics with all participants: visions for Europe: what can the nations learn from each other and what can be improved? (results will be documented in writing)
  • Evening: Together against one another: sports competitions (for example Goalball, Showdown and tennis for the blind)

Day 3

  • Morning: Preparation of a stay abroad:
    • Session 1: Structured group discussions about the following topics in small groups:
      • Topic 1: Choice of country and university
      • Topic 2: Financing
      • Topic 3: Search for a flat and mobility
      • Topic 4: Social integration
      • Topic 5: Necessary documents
      • Topic 6: Contact to the national associations and institutions for blind and visually impaired people
    • Session 2: Presentations of the conclusions of the 3 topics with all participants (results will be documented in writing)
    • Session 3: Presentation of regularities and conditions for a stay abroad concerning disabled people from an external expert
  • Afternoon: Assistive technology and experience abroad progress report:
    • Session 1: Presentation of technical innovations and recent developments in assistive technologies for studying from an external referent
    • Session 2: Detailed report from a student about his or her stay and experiences abroad
  • Evening: Opportunity for the participants to discuss among each other their individual experiences abroad

Day 4

  • Morning: The EU as a chance for the inclusion of blind and visually impaired people (EU-rights of disabled people, standardization of assessment accommodations, European disability pass, accessible travel and mobility of employees with disabilities): introductory speeches from external referents followed by a panel discussion
  • Afternoon: German culture: accessible guided tour in Frankfurt
  • Evening: Cultural program with contributions by the participants in a traditional pub

Day 5

  • Morning: Final discussion of insights gained during the conference and planning for the next seminar. Presentation of networking possibilities: if necessary via the ICC (International Camp on Communication and Computers) platform for alumni (results will be documented in writing)
  • Afternoon: Individual departure (transfer to the airport is possible)
Radek Pavlíček

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