Archiv štítku: C4C

ICCHP-AAATE 2022: a specific community conference, where all slots are always somehow related

ICCHP-AAATE, the Joint International Conference on Digital Inclusion, Assistive Technology & Accessibility, is taking place 11-15 July 2022 in beautiful Lecco, Italy. If you work in the field of Assistive Technology (AT), (e)Accessibility, Accessible ICT, and Digital Accessibility, attending the AAATE-ICCHP „family“ is a must-have 🙂

Tereza Pařilová from Masaryk University (Czechia) is chairwoman of the DysTexia DysHelper: Assistive Technology Research and Development Company. Graduated PhD from Masaryk University Brno, a holder of Barrande Fellowship, Werner von Siemens Award, and the Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

In this article, Tereza is sharing her experience from previous years.

ICCHP 2016: the Code for a Cause Contest and the project Dyshelper award-winning team

Tereza, you and your team won with project Dyshelper the Code for a Cause Contest at ICCHP 2016. How do you remember this event?

The whole conference was just great, full of very friendly people and nice presentations. The competition itself was challenging and thrilling! The organizers and jury members made us all feel the world of science, representing our ideas and effort. Of course, hearing “and the winner is….” was the most pleasurable moment.

What does ICCHP mean for you? Were/ are there any benefits for you (new contacts, projects, etc.)?

Tereza: For me, ICCHP is at first a specific community conference, where all slots are always somehow related. It mainly focuses on assistive technologies, its focus is not too broad, so it is worth attending as many lectures as possible. I see a great benefit in such close topic nearness. As for contacts, it is beneficial, too.

Thanks to the narrow focus, one finds the right individuals to address, e.g., for cooperation, internships and finds other students/ experts who may support and push forward their work.

Last but not least, I believe that the works and presentations of others can inspire the participant with further ideas for expanding projects or even new projects that would not otherwise come into his mind (e.g., a combination of methods or technologies).

Why would you recommend the ICCHP Conference as worth attending?

Tereza: As I mentioned, the nearness of topics and specific community participants (both active and passive) s a great benefit of the ICCHP. Different options of presenting your work like showing demos or chatting with the poster are great if you start your research career. As an advanced researcher, you find also chances to speak and present in longer presentations etc. There are also interesting events like social dinner or coffee breaks to meet other participants focusing on assistive technology. The conference lasts „just the right“ time and flows smoothly. Very friendly people, organisers and venue guarantee a great and beneficial event!

Tereza Pařilová presenting at ICCHP 2018

Join the international community of assistive technology experts at ICCHP-AAATE 2022

ICCHP-AAATE Inclusion Forum is still open for submissions

Planning to attend the ICCHP-AAATE 2022 conference? Submissions are still possible for the Inclusion Forum (deadline 1st June) which will feature:

  • workshops, seminars, tutorials/educational sessions
  • policy sessions with panel discussions and/or consensus-building sessions
  • posters, project, product and service exhibitions, presentations, and demonstrations
  • meetings in open or closed (invited only) format

Inclusion Forum is the ideal place for having that dialogue, to showcase your projects, products, services, organizations, posters and for disseminating, communicating and demonstrating your work, experience, know-how and ideas to the diverse but comprehensive audience.

About the ICCHP-AAATE 2022 Joint Conference

The ICCHP-AAATE Joint Conference will take place 11-15 July 2022 at the premises of Politecnico di Milano, Polo Territoriale di Lecco (Italy). It focuses on Assistive Technology (AT), (e)Accessibility and Accessible ICT as well as social, economic, and political Inclusion and Participation of people with disabilities and older adults. The conference highlights the role of technology for independent living, participation and inclusion and improved services and support.

By its nature, the conference is concerned with a wide range of topics in interdisciplinary research, product and service development, practice, legislation, economics, and policy in evolving and fast-advancing disciplines and related fields. The conference is open to all visionary ideas and future-oriented thoughts supporting our mission, from all over the globe.

For more information and registration go to, updates are posted at and on the conference website:

ICCHP Promotional Video

Code for a Cause (C4C) 2016 – umíš programovat a chceš pomoci dobré věci?

Studuješ na Masarykově univerzitě, rád/a programuješ a chtěl/a bys pomoci lidem s těžkým zdravotním postižením?

Logo C4CSoutěž v programování Code for a Cause (C4C) 2016 je součástí série akcí Project:Possibility. Jejím cílem je seznámit studenty s možnostmi, které jim nabízí tématika přístupnosti a asistivních technologií na bázi open source a inspirovat je k aktivitě v této oblasti.

Studenti mohou v rámci soutěže pracovat na projektu, který si sami navrhnou. Pokud studenti vlastní projekt nemají, je jim projekt po přihlášení se do soutěže přidělen zástupci organizátora soutěže C4C.

Práce na projektech bude probíhat v proběhu jara 2016 (březen až konec května) ve dvou až čtyřčlenných týmech. Každý tým bude mít k dispozici odborného tutora. Pokud si chcete udělat představu, jakým projektům je možné se v rámci C4C věnovat, podívejte se na stránku s přehledem projektů z předchozích ročníků soutěže.

Finále soutěže proběhne v červenci 2016 na renomované mezinárodní konferenci ICCHP 2016 v rakouském Linci, kde mezinárodní porota vybere vítěze soutěže Code for a Cause – tým, který připraví nejlepší open source aplikaci, pomáhající lidem se zdravotním postižením v jejich každodenním životě.


Koordinátorem soutěže Code for a Cause 2016 je na Masarykově univerzitě Středisko Teiresiás. V případě zájmu o účast kontaktujte prosím Radka Pavlíčka na e-mailu nebo telefonicky na čísle 549 491 110.